Tom's Cove Park also offers, in addition to our overnight campsites, sites that can be rented on a yearly basis. This option allows you to leave your camper on site and save the time and money spent towing your rig to and from Tom's Cove. The cost of owning and maintaining a tow vehicle, plus the reduced gas mileage that towing a trailer entails can be a large part of your vacation dollar. The convenience of driving down (or up) on a Friday night after work, arriving late and not having to face the task of setting up your rig in the dark (or in bad weather) cannot be measured. With your trailer already set up on a site, the only work you have to do when you arrive is to put the key in the door. When it's time to depart, lock the door, get in the car and drive home. That's it. Simple, isn't it.

Your yearly rental will include the use of all campground facilities ( boat ramp, marina, swimming pool, piers, etc, etc) plus you and your spouse will receive a Tom's Cove Card, good for a 10% discount in our Country Store.

We think you will see that this form of camping has many advantages. If this sounds like your kind of camping, feel free to contact us and we will be glad to answer any questions you may have.


Rates (2025)

Seasonal Site with water, sewer, basic cable T.V. (metered electric).......................................... $4700.00

We are open from March 1st to November 30th. You may leave your camper on your site during the months we are closed.

PO Box 122
8128 Beebe Road
Chincoteague, VA 23336
Phone: (757) 336-6498
Fax: (757) 336-6738